A vibrant French Petite poster for Walt Disney's pioneering 1982 sci-fi adventure Tron. Written and directed by Steven Lisberger, the futuristic film starred Jeff Bridges as a computer programmer who is transported into the virtual world of a malevolent mainframe computer and enlists the help of security programme Tron in his attempt to escape. A groundbreaking and hugely influential production with a worldwide cult following, Tron was one of the earliest films to use extensive computer-generated imagery (CGI) and combined live-action elements with both backlit and computer animation. Disney/Pixar's John Lasseter has described how Tron inspired him to see the potential in CGI special effects, acknowledging that "without Tron, there would be no Toy Story."
Excellent (A-)
Conservation backed on linen. Backing and light colour touching have smoothed and diminished one horizontal machine fold. Slight darkening to edges. Image and colours excellent.